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Sunday 21 July 2013

Stuff stuff

Tara had a good time at the Prom. Lots of happy pix on her FB.

Tara - all dressed to kill!

Life's difficult at the moment. Lots of things need sorting.

I need a new job but there isn't much going now, especially in teaching. I suppose one good thing that happened was that I got an interview at Haverigg even tho I didn't get a job. They were so disorganised. They didn't seem to know what I should have brought with me. Left me at the gate for 20 minutes before fetching me. Not even a drink of water. As for feedback, I am still waiting.

The JobCentre have put me with this company called A4E who are supposed to help me get the skills required to get back to work. The woman looked at my CV and basically said there's not much I can do to help you and I don't know why you haven't got  job yet. Still, she offered to make an appointment for me with the enterprise manager who might get me funding for my proofreading website.

Think I will need to move out soon. Running out of money. Not sure there is anything much cheaper for a 3 bedroom house. Bit depressing.

The BBQ was great. Beautiful day. Everybody who came along had fun and ate lots. So relaxed. R said it was the most relaxed BBQ she had ever been to. C helped get the BBQ going and then Hari took over. Robert arrived an hour or two later and the two of them sat there nattering and cooking with their drinks and lots of food. Most of the food was cooked already and just needed a bit on the BBQ for the charred look - and taste! People brought along salads and I had lots of soft drinks. Two of Tara's friends turned up on bikes and another was brought by her mum. They just chilled on the blankets...... Adam had a couple of friends too. They played football, swingball and boules (!). They did disappear into the house to play computer games for a while (quelle surprise, as they say....) but mostly ran around having fun. Just a very pleasant afternoon.
Tara and friends......
Boys doing man stuff....

oh well, why not?
Time for a natter......
My neighbour, R and Farmer J

Landlord wrote asking to visit, but I said I was busy and suggested another couple of dates. However he turned up anyway and looked around the outside. Then he wrote a stinking letter through the letting agents, saying I had denied access and there was rubbish everywhere. Not sure how he made out that I denied access and the rubbish was recycling and all bagged up to be taken away so..... I was a little annoyed. Considering that they ignore my comments and suggestions about what needs to be done and the lack of action when things need to be done, I think he has a nerve.

Kids came to see me before setting of for three weeks with their mother. Adam was ill Wednesday night and Thursday - gastroenteritis the doctor said - but feeling happier today. They both looked as miserable as I felt. Hopefully we can keep in touch via phone and maybe they will have some internet access.

Hari and I will be looking after the dogs over the next 3 weeks. Get the garden tidy and maybe get rid of stuff to tip or charity. Make it easier to move. Hmm, August or September?

Looking forward to Leeds Music Festival but the dates clash a bit with Tara's results, though she may come with friends. Should try some sightseeing too. Any ideas?

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