
Welcome to my world.

Saturday 8 June 2013


Feeling tired and wan...... or is it worn? Been trying to do too many things and have too much to worry about at the moment. Spent quite a bit of time this week reading stuff about the new Inspection Frameowrk and Teaching and Learning, preparing for the Conference. Also had shit to deal with from Legal Aid people, JobCentre, solicitors, bills plus family and personal stuff. Need a holiday but it's not happening any time soon. I think I should turn into a **** and that would make life easier.

The Legal Aid Agency are deliberately slowing things down. I need it to sort out the passports but I may have to go it alone and build up more effing debt. The JobCentre people still haven't sorted out my money, though they have had the statements for weeks. Wrote to the Housing people for a discretionary grant but still haven't heard. Asked them whether it is really helping families stay together / survive, sticking strictly to the letter of the law.

Still no interviews, no jobs to apply for either now. Maybe I should try some more assertive / aggressive marketing? Could work away for 2/3 days somewhere.

Couple of positive bits though. The Conference went well and I made a couple of good contacts. (I will see if I can put some pix up). The delegates were very positive about it. Also I should get some marking to do which may bring in a few quid.

Enjoyed football but I feel fat and unfit. The last 3 weeks have not been good at football. I feel more out of breath and stuff. Maybe I need to eat less / better and go for longer walks (runs?) during the week, just to build myself up. Or maybe age is catching up...... How depressing!

Oh well! Onwards and upwards, as they say.


  1. Exactly, onwards and upwards my friend :) Keep your head up and dont let the smile disappear. There´s hope and solutions out there!


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